
Showing posts from March, 2021

Is Olive Oil Good for Dogs? Written by Jennifer Lesser

  Olive oil has an array of health benefits for humans, and many of these are also applicable for our four-legged friends. These range from boosting the immune system to improving coat and skin condition. Though it's always important to monitor your pet's caloric intake, olive oil might just be worth adding to your pet's diet in moderation. Health Benefits of Olive Oil for Dogs Among olive oil's many benefits for dogs (and humans) are the fact that it is rich in phytonutrients as well as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. It can help keep Fido's skin moisturized as well as promote a shiny coat. However, that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea to apply olive oil directly to your dog's coat--it's far too tempting for most dogs, as they'll just want to lick it off. Here are some other benefits of incorporating olive oil into your pup's diet. Improved Appetite If your dog has been balking at their kibble lately, a drizzle of olive oil shou

What Does Your Dog’s Urine Color Mean?

  What is normal urine color for dogs? The normal color of urine from a healthy dog or cat is transparent yellow.  Veterinarians  sometimes refer to this color as “straw yellow,” “pale gold,” “amber,” or “clear yellow.” The most accurate way to assess urine color is to examine it in a clear plastic or glass container against a white background. Urine is made as a normal result of metabolism and removal of cellular wastes. Normal urine is sterile and the color can vary depending on what your pet has recently eaten or drunk. If you’re wondering why urine is yellow, it’s due to the presence of a substance called urochrome which is excreted by the  kidneys . What do different shades of yellow mean? The intensity of yellow color in normal, clear urine indicates the concentration or dilution of urine. In simplest terms, dilute urine is associated with increased water excretion and concentrated urine correlates with less water. Dilute urine will be almost colorless while highly concentrated u